Open the ears of my Heart

I have been reading Yancey's Rumors of Another World lately and it has created a new layer to my senses. I still understand the world thru the input of my 5 senses-sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch-but I am more aware of the upper and lower, the shading and tint, the here and the There. I know, intellectually (?) for me, that there exists a world beyond this physical dimension. I forget it easily tho, wrapped up in the physical world with all its demands and pressures and distractions. But when I am tuned into the spiritual realm, well, it is amazing the echo which resonates that I may not be able to distinguish naturally. I was talking to a friend about a conference she really wanted to go to. She was so frustrated that things seemed to be working out only to crash shortly after, so she threw out one final attempt, a very reasonable one, and called for a little support. We talked about surrender and acceptance and the history of care we have experienced thru our Higher Power. Wh...