
Sunday was Valentine's Day, and everyone was talking about their sweetheart, or lack thereof. I have been lucky enough to be married to a handsome and dear man for 19 years now, but it wasn't until we began to learn about God's love that I started to truly appreciate him. Our marriage was challenging from the beginning. I was young. He was angry. I became bossy. He became angrier. We were set to self-destruct and barely survived, thanks only to our stubbornness. Neither one would leave the house in the possession of the other. I chuckle now when I think of the fights we had trying to force, beg, or cajole the other to leave. Finally, unable to endure the pain we were inflicting on each other, God got a hold of us. I cannot speak for my husband, but I know I had gotten to a place of helplessness and hopelessness. I didn't know how to leave, but I really didn't know how to stay, either. I had been hurt, but really the worst of it was how much I had hurt him....