
My mother has told me that my first word was, "why," and my first sentence was, "What's that?" Needless to say, I was full of questions. Still am, tho I wonder sometimes (See?!) if it is so that I can gather information or just so I can be "right." Either way, on this blog I have asked many questions, found some answers, but uncovered even more questions. Like, What's it all about ? I still don't know what it's ALL about, but I do know what chunks of this puzzle may be. As I considered my last post with friends, both face to face and online, it seems that community is one of those chunks. I have been blessed, not just with grace, but with an amazing group of women around me. It would be easy to downplay the significance, yet I know how lonely life can be without people to walk alongside you. Altho my mind wastes time gnawing on the "big" questions, I find God has a way of keeping me grounded. While I wonder what I s...