Grace, again...still?

There is this quote I saw once, "I try to take things one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once (attributed to Jennifer Yane)." It has been that kind of week, month, really. The house was torn up for a remodeling project, the puppy has been teething on my arm when I try to read or blog, work has been challenging and busy, my son was in a car accident (tho he was just a bit sore thankfully), and I have just been generally grouchy. Menial chores feel like huge expeditions. Sleep is never restful. I am thinking, fretful, even in my dreaming. I chose not to go to church today. I am too grouchy. I smoked a couple cigarettes. I cursed a lot yesterday. I can't find my way out of this self destructive, self deprecating mind set. I have also decided that I don't act like much of a Christian, so I will stop identifying myself as such. In fact, maybe I will give up this gig altogether, altho I cannot ...