Why I Took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody. -Mother Teresa At first it was fun. It went viral. Everyone was doing it. And then the backlash. People began to post on Facebook: is there a point to throwing water over your head? How is that really helping anyone? Is it over yet? Memes began to surface. One I saw had children from Africa and stated "Do you know how far we would have to walk for that bucket?" Or asking why we are dumping all that water during a drought (I am guessing there is a drought going on somewhere). Or simply making fun of the phenomenon that began to take over everyone's news feeds-Facebook, Twitter, even the local news and sports sections of the newspaper. Social media commentators began challenging the challenge takers: do you even know WHY you are doing that? Well, yes. I do. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known simply as ALS, or sometimes Lou Gehrig's disease, is ...