My Church
The Armchair QB had a bye week this past Sunday (for all you non football speaking peeps, that means I took the Sunday off and chilled).
But this week, I have been thinking about "church."
My husband and I have been visiting churches near us, seeking to connect more within our geographical area. It isn't that we don't love our church. Our church has grown us into the people we are today. In fact, I am grieving the thought of leaving, but it is definitely nice to not be gone from 7:30am till noon every Sunday morning (Baptists, ignore my whine. I know ya'll like to do church all day long!)
My church is Hershey Free. We fell into it. Terry was invited by a friend and wanted to go to this church tho I had decided that was not something I needed in my life. Despite my closedminded-ness, I went because he threw out the ultimatum: we try church, or we can just get a divorce.
God showed off how crazy He was from the beginning and continues to do so. Still, as I grew, my understanding of the church has grown. It has nothing to do with the brick and glass and carpet. It is not the pastor's church.
This is my church.
No, here:
Do you see it now?
This is my church.
For all these reasons, for all the growth that has happened in this place, among these people, within my church, it is difficult, if not just incredibly intimidating to think about finding a new church. I have a list. I research. I pray and plead. But church isn't something that happens in your head. My church is there, but it is also in my heart and my spirit.
My expectations are high. I admit it. I have been privileged to be a part of an amazing community of faith, my church.
Dave H
Your posting brings tears to my eyes. What a privilege it's been to share some of your journey--the laughs, the serious search, the loud "discussions" and tears--the whole of who you are. In a selfish way I hope you don't find a place that meets the criteria on your list!