Life to the Fullest

This adventure, following Jesus, can be strange-often exhilarating, but sometimes intimidating. Still, there isn't anywhere else I would rather be. If there were no life with Him, there would be no life. Yeah, our relationship can seem complicated, but that often is a reflection of me. My heart is full of fears,  unwillingness, pride, and limits.

Create in me a new heart, Lord. 

I wish that this weren't the case, but it is (again and again).  People are funny, thinking that Christians believe they are different than others, better than others. I wish. I am so acutely aware of my shortcomings, but that leads me to being aware of how good, how faithful, and how gracious God is.

Remember me when you are in Your kingdom.

In odd ways, God reminds me that He is with me and that He cares for me. It could be a weird day full of potential coincidences-which might be supernatural, or it could be encouraging friends praying for me. No matter how it happens, I am certain when I see it.  These reminders humble me, but my enemy tries to use them against me.

Who do you think you are?

Part of me backs away, taking the easy, lazy way of shaking it off thinking I don't get it.  I am such a mess. I make such messes. Why would the Creator of galaxies and amazing varieties of life be bothered with such an insignificant mess?  In Him, I not only find life, but I also find value. That value is not diminished because I am afraid to accept it or even because I devalue myself.  My true value remain because it is from God. 

My daughter...

In this slow time of healing from a broken heart and spirit, I have been seeking God's attention to do something, right the wrongness of events, heal my spirit, transform my heart, rekindle the light that had been extinguished. I have been following instructions-resting and waiting. Something is happening, something that I mildly fear because I am in unfamiliar territory. I take comfort that God knows where He is taking me. The GPS in my truck is some British guy, a bit snobby, telling me where to take tea. This new GPS is gentle and soft and kind. God is leading me toward wholeness and life. 

Come to me, and I will give you rest. 

It's still a strange adventure.

I am the Light of the world. 
Whoever follows me 
will never walk in darkness, 
but will have the light of life. 


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