For Diana

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Can you see it now? LOL It is easy to get a little knowledge and information about something and think, I got this, whether it is about my recovery or God or my physical health. I thought I knew what was wrong that I kept falling. I thought I was a klutz or that my feet where too big. I thought, in horror, it could be a brain tumor. Of course, since I knew all this, I didn't need to go to a doctor. But I did, because I know that a higher power can be the difference between life and death for me. What I really found out is that my lower leg isn't working properly. Geez, not something I had even considered. So I am doing some therapy to help it and we will re-evaluate. In the same way, I seek my sponsor's guidance with situations. Not because I am a mindless sheep, but because she is objective and her vision is not clouded by emotions as mine is. And I seek my God in scripture and thru fellowship with other believers, not because I can't find God in nature or anywhere other than a church, but because I need a time-out from the world's values and pounding on my spirit and also because what I think I know is often only a portion of the whole. I surrender to my nearsightedness and open my mind to the loving guidance and alternative perspectives of a power greater than myself. Just for today, of course ;-)


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