Touchdown Prayers
I was watching Sports Center this morning with my husband and one of the clips showed a player entering the end zone giving props to God. I think that is interesting. Kind of weird for a game, but then I thought, "Shouldn't we be giving props to God for all our touchdowns?" What are my touchdowns? Of course, there was a new baby born into our family this week: touchdown with lots of prayers, before, during, after, and since. That one is obvious, but what about in my job, since I am not a professional football player? Do I give props to God for an accurate assessment that catches a problem? What about being able to offer support and spiritual guidance? I admit I forget. I don't just forget, I forget to give the credit to Whom it is due. Somewhere it gets twisted in my brain, lost in the hustle of life, and I begin to think that I am that amazing, that I have an awesome set of skills. Of course, where did I get those skills, those instincts, those gifts? Notre Dame...